Spiritual Life

To learn how to nurture the soul and enlighten the spiritual road is an essential challenge for the Marymount student. Through different activities of a religious and value oriented nature, students are guided in building their personal path toward God, to find Him in them, in their neighbors and in creation.

The actions of a Marymount student should reflect their relationship with Him, and their words should transmit what they have in their hearts. To accomplish this challenge and carry on a complete spiritual life, our students learn to know themselves, to listen to the voice of God in the middle of silence and recognize the gifts that He has given to them in order to share them with others as their life's mission.
During the school year, the students develop different activities geared toward fostering spirituality, such as: formation in values, weekly help in Mass, Confession Sacrament weekly after Mass, two weekly hours of religious education, spiritual retreats to prepare for Holy Week, workshops at the beginning of the year for each grade, Medal Ceremony, May Day, Founders' Day, Ash Wednesday Eucharist, First Communion, Confirmation, and God's Faith Club, among others.
© Copyright Marymount School Barranquilla, Colombia 2024.
