
More than a syllabus, we offer a formative experience that allows each student to develop a life project focused on ongoing personal growth and transforming the world around them, in a way that they have the necessary skills to serve, lead and respond to the challenges of a globalized society.

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Other reasons to choose Marymount

RSHM Network of Schools

We are members of the Global Network of Schools founded by the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary (RSHM), has the objective of strengthen the mission and cultivating the philosophy of its founders, based on catholic principles.

Internationally accredited

We are accredited by the international agencies NEASC and CIS, which is an assurance of quality to the families of our future students and gives us recognization by Ministries and Departments of Education around the world.

Certifications and partnerships

At Marymount we address the analysis of certain aspects of the curriculum with the support of institutions and organizations endorsed nationally and internationally and certified in different academic, emotional and communicative competencies.

Testimonials of our community

"Sin lugar a dudas, el valor agregado del Colegio Marymount es la formación en valores, la conciencia social y la estructuración de un pensamiento integral, lo cual refuerza lo que enseñamos y transmitimos desde casa".

"Without a doubt, the added value at Marymount is the formation of character through values, social awareness and the structuring of holistic thinking, which reinforces what we teach and convey at home."

Barrera Donado Family, Marymount Parents
"Me gusta mucho ir al colegio porque comparto con mis amigos y aprendo cosas nuevas. Me gusta mucho y me parece muy importante aprender sobre los valores porque cuando sea grande los voy a poder aplicar en mi vida".

"I love going to school because I share with my friends and I learn new things. I like it a lot and I consider it very important to learn about values because when I get older I will be able to apply them to my life."

Isabella Osorio, Elementary School Student
"Lo más importante que me dejó estudiar en Marymount fue haber formado grandes amistades. Poderme relacionar con ellos aun después de muchos años en distintos ámbitos de la vida, es algo muy valioso".

"The most important thing I took with me after studying at Marymount was making great friends. Being able to relate with them after many years and in different stages of life is something very valuable."

Christian Mejía, Alumnus
"My experience at Marymount has been wonderful. It is great to be part of such an amazing team and enforce my knowledge to build learning strategies. Creativity is all around Marymount".

"My experience at Marymount has been wonderful. It is great to be part of such an amazing team and enforce my knowledge to build learning strategies. Creativity is all around Marymount".

Neil Pecorilla, High School Teacher
"Me gusta ir al colegio porque el parque es muy bonito, tengo muchos amigos y juego con ellos. Mis profesoras me enseñan muchas cosas y me ayudan a colorear. No me gusta cuando no voy a mi colegio".

"I like going to school because the park is very nice, I have a lot of friends and I play with them. My teachers teach me many things and help me color. I don't like it when I miss school."

Daniel Eljach, Preschool Student
"Los mejores recuerdos de infancia junto a mis amigos, el amor a Dios, el crecimiento espiritual, y lo que hoy en día soy en mi rol de madre y educadora se lo debo en gran parte a la formación que obtuve en Marymount".

"The best memories of my childhood are with my friends, the love of God, spiritual growth and what I am today in my role as a mother and educator I owe it mainly to the education I received at Marymount."

Lissette Massard, Alumna, Community Mother and Teacher
"Ser parte de Marymount significa ser parte de una familia. Trabajar aquí por más de 7 años me ha permitido crecer y desarrollarme a nivel personal y profesional, además de brindarme grandes oportunidades".

"Being part of Marymount means being part of a family. Having worked here for more than 7 years has allowed me to grow and develop on a personal and professional level and, at the same time, has provided me with great opportunities."

Claudia Carvajales, Staff Member
"Marymount fue una pieza fundamental en mi formación, y gracias a ella y a mi familia poco a poco he ido logrando cumplir mis sueños. La disciplina y la perseverancia que aprendí allí, han sido claves para alcanzar mis metas".

"Marymount was a fundamental piece of my education and thanks to it and my family, little by little I have been making my dreams come true. The discipline and perseverance that I learned there have been key to reach my goals."

Soledad Martínez-Aparicio, Community Mother

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